7 Tips To Reduce Home Heat Loss

7 tips to reduce home heat lose

After you have fitted a CosyRoof insulation system, the next step you will want to take is looking into your home heat loss. We have provided 5 simple tips below that can make a huge difference in your heat loss prevention. With heating & energy costs always on the up, following these tips can save you hundreds of pounds over the year.

7 Home Heat Loss Tips

Loft Insulation: We all know heat rises, if you insulate your loft between the rafters, then a complete layer of insulation over this totally about 270mm. This can save the average household £175 per annum. Please not it is worthwhile lagging all pipework in your loft as it will be considerably colder due to your reduction in heat traveling into the roof space.

Draft-proof Windows & Doors: Without question this is the cheapest way to save by closing out unwanted ventilation.

Improving Window Glazing: It may be expensive to replace your windows to Energy Efficiency A and take forever and a day to get your investment back. However, it is worthwhile sealing all the glazing units and buying inexpensive glazing film from a good hardware store. This could reduce your heat loss through your windows by more than 20%.

Insulate Your Water Tank: A good cylinder jacket around your tank will keep your household hot water warmer longer. It is also worthwhile lagging associated pipes.

Yes Haggle: This may seam an odd one. Perhaps it is not heat loss but its money saving. You can save hundreds of pounds per year by haggling with energy suppliers to get better pricing on your utilities. In years gone by loyalty got you better pricing, however, now loyalty hits your pocket. Treat it like a job and shop around, it could perhaps be your best days work of the year.

Fires: You can buy insulation balloons for your chimney that can dramatically cut down drafts. Please Note: This is only for households that no longer use their fire.

Radiators: We are all tempted to use radiators to dry clothing, don’t! This smothers heat. In addition to this place tin foil down the backs of radiators and this will deflect heat into the your home rather than through the walls.